Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Secret From Youtube Buffering

I'm sure everyone knows see public sites specifically for video, namely, and I'm sure everyone has access to this site, right?

But sometimes - sometimes we feel irritated when we were watching a video, there is a circle that spins (buffering),
but beyond that circle, there is a secret that probably everyone already knows that, at the circular buffering sign up, circle can be used as a game, though not a fun game, but at least it can take off upset while waiting for the video that we watched finished buffering, how? Here's how to change that annoying circle into a little game - scale.

At circle appears, press any key on the keyboard direction, for example press the down direction (down), then the circle will turn into a snake. If you do not believe please just try.


  1. Good job and Very nice content... this post is very interesting and knowledgeable for me... thanks for sharing this post...
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